I am reading this book called Death of a Jewish American Princess by Shirley Frondorf. It is about this guy, Stephen Steinberg, who killed his wife Elana, and got off. He got off on an insanity defense. But from reading this book, I could tell that he only got off because his lawyer was slick and the DA did a horrible job. Additionally, the jury was a bunch of retards who were obviously not doing their job.
I had trouble finding a picture of old Stephen on the internet, so I scanned a picture from the library book that I'm reading. These are some pictures of him walking out of court, a free man, after he killed his wife.
This guy is disgusting. He first lied and said that some men with"bushy hair" killed his wife, but after they discovered that he did it, he claimed he was sleepwalking. Oh man. Sleepwalking. I'm not even kidding.
They trashed this poor woman too, after her death. The poor woman was not even there to defend herself. But old Steve's defense was that she henpecked him and was such a bitch that one night he snapped. Sleepwalking. And stabbed her to death. The mother of his two children.
It is a crazy story. I'm not even finished with it. But I would like to say that if a guy stabs his wife to death, he should be put in jail for the rest of his life at the very least. I have had experience in court, and I know first hand how screwed up our justice system is. There should be a hard and fast law: you kill your wife, you get in freaking trouble. End of story. I like America and all, but it sure is f'ed up.
That's all.